Day 3: On the road from Brugge to Alkmaar, Holland

From my perch on the back of the bike I see...
I see the road,
I see the traffic,
I see the landscape,
I see...

Today I see lush green flat landscapes. Tidy fields, mown berms, crops...
I see clever road markings, especially at roundabouts, clear marking, separation of lanes with small raised stone strips, arrows showing us to go anticlockwise. I think of Shirl and Ken 'righty, righty'. - especially on a heart stopping moment when my driver thinks that the road is a dual highway and it is single lane. Oh, how sharp are his reaction times.
I see the small EU sign which says The Nederlands. We have crossed the border in a split second.. .I see forests of towering windmills with fields planted right up to the pedestal.
I see a long 6.6km tunnel that takes us under the sea.
Later we ride across a long dyke across the sea.
Then a ferry ride, and..
I see a traditional traditional windmill.

We are in Holland.








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