Day 24: Borgafjodur to Seydisfjordur 104km, Total distance so far 6,639km

We are riding to Seydisfjorour today.
We know how to pronounce it now.

We ride by some interesting homes today.
Grass clad with red highlights, yellow and white, 
white and blue. Blue and white.

I realise that my two outfits...
The red one and the blue one and my white shirt are perfect for Iceland.
I am wearing the colours  of the flag, 
the colours of the roofs...
And the colours of the football supporters' Blue Ocean...
And the colours of the winning team in the game against Austria today.

Our last meal in Iceland.
The Nordic restaurant in seydfjordur  serves delicious locally-sourced food. We were very impressed that a town of a few hundred would has a restaurant with such wonderful food.
A lovely way to complete our time in Iceland.
The food has been wonderful...
tonight it was exceptional.

We board the ferry early tomorrow and will cruise to Hirtshals in Denmark.


Safe haven near the puffin nesting site.
Thanks Dick for this Puffin photo 
The puffins nest in burrows. 
They arrive in April and leave in September. 
Young puffins go to sea for several years and return to land to lay eggs and raise their young. 
 I I am under strict instructions to not take any photos on the pass.
This is one taken with special permission when we stopped for a moment.
Doesn't look too bad in the photo but it is probably the worst conditions we have ever ridden. 
Steep gradient.
Fresh load of dirt, freshly graded, drizzle, slippery, some loose gravel. 
We stayed upright - possibly assisted by me being mummified in mud.
We saw this road sign often. It tells us there is a blind rise ahead.
Sometimes the blind rise has a blue marker to remind us to keep right at the top of a rise. Then the road narrows again.



The easiest way to get clean after the muddiest ride I recall ever having on the bike.
We established that riding gear is water proof!
Bath time for the bikes.
Petrol a is 204.8 kr/litre:  $NZ 2.33/litre
We stopped for lunch.
Here is the display for fast foods.  Modelled on McDonalds who left Iceland in 2010.
It's cold up here.
This snow was well hidden by fog the day we arrived.
The last waterfall for our trip in Island.
At the entry to town a speed indicator. The smiley face frowns if you exceed 50kph and a smiley face if you are under the speed limit. Hard to catch the moment on camera, though.

I am an Iceland supporter today. 
We join the local blue ocean and watch Iceland defeat Austria 2:1. 
The Iceland team is playing very well. 
Amazing to have such a good team when Iceland has fewer people  than Christchurch city in New Zealand.

Pastel blue, 
picked out in white,
Seydfjordur church is beautiful.
Our last supper in Iceland.  

Total distance in Iceland: 2877km 
13 riding days.  Daily average 221km

Two rest days in Reyjkavik 
1 rest day in  Akureyri 
Three rest days on the ferry

Total distance since London: 5623km
20 riding days
Daily Average 281km


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