Day 8: A day in Santa Fe

Our rest day begins with burritos for breakfast.
Build your own. A first for us both. So I ask a local how we put one together.
First heat your tortilla for 15 seconds on each side, then add cheese, scrambled egg, beans, bacon, chile; fold the sides over and then make a parcel by folding the ends to the centre.
We managed well.
We took a bus tour with a local narrator.
We gleaned some history, some architectural comments and a tour up Canyon Road which has numerous dealer galleries and sculptures along the street.

Back in town we set off on foot to find some of he places we spotted on the tour.
Local handcrafts are on display along the streets.
The colour highlights architectural features. We were told that the local planning allows a palette of ten shades of brown for building walls.
Turquoise jewellery is abundant.
Bold coloured glass is also on display around the town. The Basilica of Francis is in the background.

Lunch at Tia Sophia's was recommended to us by a local.
Flautas and...
Nick who leads a happy team at Tia Sophia's.
There is so much to see here.
I have always been interested in the artist Georgia O'Keefe so we set off to the Georgia O'Keffe museum. There are permanent exhibitions and a special exhibition of Adsel Adams and Georgia O'Keffe's visit to Hawaii.
Some of her large paintings of flowers are on display. One I especially liked was a jimson weed flower. We had seen the plant along the roadside where it looked like giant convolvulus flowers growing in barren places.

Just for the enjoyment of other motorcyclists...
...this splendid Harley with a trailer at our hotel.
Maybe we wouldn't need to post some of our stuff back have if we had a rig like this.
Would we have been travelling in a wagon way back then?
Some wisteria flowers.
The first flowers on the trip section of the blog.
We had a lovely evening with new friends Suzan and Gary from Pennsylvania. One of the delights of the journey is meeting people.


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