Day 22: Tallahassee to Dunedin, Fl

We are riding South to Clearwater near St Petersburg.

It looks like an easy day but traffic for the last 50 miles or so was heavy and every traffic light seemed to turn red.

It is Memorial Day and we were told later that heavy traffic is typical for this weekend.

Big clouds begin to accumulate.
We were lucky. We only had a few spots of rain.
This is the way the locals ride.
There were many motorcyclists on the road.
We are riding with our trousers and jackets. It is around 95degF in the shade.
We arrive at Dunedin and find a nice hotel on the waterfront near the yacht harbour.
All is calm.
Then the clouds begin to swirl...

... the squall passes and the sun breaks through.

In the evening we begin my birthday celebrations with dinner at the Black Pearl restuarant which is conveniently close to our hotel...
...and it has pearl in its name...
...and it is very good.
Little pieces of pork belly, on grits with blueberry glaze.
A fine conclusion to a day on the road.





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