To market, to market

Local food markets are a great way to see what is on the local menu, what is in season and also to people watch.
An abundance of summer fruits at the Granville Island market in Vancouver competed with Salmon in every guise- whole, fish smoked, double smoked, jerky and more - along with cheeses and chocolates.
It is the height of the season for these luscious strawberries. They reminded me of the Third Space group in Auckland - Following the first fruits comes a time of abundance. There is a season for everything.

Fresh smiling sockeye salmon with a juicy chinook. The chinook has teeth on its tongue.

'It's a real stinker' and 'well aged' cheeses.

Capsicums galore

Hydrangeas with huge flowers

For my sister Yvonne and our mother - peonies

Just looking! And thinking of Violet.

Chocolate fish, plump and rounded- makes our NZ chocolate fish seem emaciated.

Multicolored potatoes - advance preparation for Peru.


Something for my teaching friends. Next week brings the end of the school year in Canada. I am puzzled by the dried legumes and rice in these gifts.


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